Supporting children in stressful times December 08 2020
As people around the world take extreme measures to cope in these unprecedented times, parents, caregivers, and teachers focus on how to ensure that the children “weather the storm”. The messages in the SECD videos below provide an opportunity for us to reflect on the adult’s role in helping children to manage through this global crisis. In the first video, the late Alan Mirabelli, former Executive Director of the Vanier Institute of the Family, reminds us of the lesson from the Maasai culture to think about children’s well-being as we make decisions for our communities. Second, Megan Gunnar, of the University of Minnesota, explains that children can handle challenging stressors when protected by a supportive caregiver.
On this topic, here is a concise and informative tool from the World Health Organization - Helping children cope with stress during the 2019-nCoV outbreak
On this topic, here is a concise and informative tool from the World Health Organization - Helping children cope with stress during the 2019-nCoV outbreak