Looking forward to 2023 April 28 2023
It has been a very challenging few years across the globe and the SECD team at Red River College Polytechnic wants to acknowledge all of those working tirelessly to support young children and their families and wish you well as we embark on a new year.
The learning, creativity, laughter and sheer joy of children when playing is truly an inspiration and a reminder for us all about the value of play for children’s growth, development and especially for their mental health. In our rapidly changing world, with major global challenges, play helps prepare children for the future.
The following video provides a glimpse of children playing outdoors in Canada – it is our winter season. We hope it brings a smile to your face and encourages you to take a moment and enjoy seeing children playing, no matter where, in your region of the world.
From the SECD team, we wish you all the best in 2023.
Reflective Practice June 18 2019
Do you use reflective practice in your interactions or work with children? Do you carefully observe children, listen to what they are saying, and pay attention to what they are doing? Do you take time to marvel in what you notice and thoughtfully consider what you can say or do in response? Do you gather documentation to study and then share with children and parents? You might feel like you are constantly thinking, studying, collecting, arranging…..
The SECD (North American Edition) includes a new section on reflective practice. Researchers and practitioners share thoughts and insights that can enhance your reflective practice with children. The videos below are just two of many inspiring videos in the updated Communicating and Learning (CL) module.
Deb Curtis is a renowned expert in the field who has written numerous books and articles on this and other topics. She inspires many with her practical tips and tools about observing and documenting, and how to use loose parts to create invitations for children. She reminds practitioners to slow down, pause and marvel. In the first video below, listen to her define reflective practice and explain how she applies it to her work with young children.
Christine McLean is an Assistant Professor at Mount St. Vincent University in Halifax Nova Scotia. In the second video below she describes the importance of reflection before, during and after….a perspective that is thought-provoking and worth reflecting upon! In the CL module, McLean also describes a research project on pedagogical documentation and how to encourage children to be reflective about their learning.
Do these videos affirm your current practice? Or perhaps they inspire you to make a change or try something new. What steps can you take to ensure that reflection is part of your professional practice with young children?