SECD - North American Edition

The North American Edition consists of five modules:

  • Brain Development
  • Coping & Competence
  • Communicating & learning
  • The Ecology of Childhood
  • Developmental Health

In each module you see a combination of readings, videos, links to important websites, examples, audio clips, questions for reflection and interactive games.

The content is all online and once you have a personal password, you have access to the whole resource.

You may also choose to add the Primer onto your individual or projection license order for a discounted rate. The Primer is $49 when purchased on its own or $20 when purchased with an individual license.


North American Edition - Single User License

This option is for students and individual users who would like to access the Science of Early Child Development resource for personal use. Note, if you want to register for the Introduction to Science of ECD course, please proceed to the course registration page. This license includes:
  • Two-year single-user access to the curriculum resource hosted at with video streaming access to over 400 video clips.
Note: High-speed internet connection required for video streaming.


North American Edition - Projection License

This option is for instructors, professors or presenters who would like to use the Science of Early Child Development resource to enhance classes or as a training tool. This license includes:
  • Two year single user access to the curriculum resource hosted at with video streaming access to over 400 video clips
  • A two year license to project the resource to others with the video clips of children and programs
  • A Facilitator/Instructor Guide to support the use of SECD in classes, workshops and other training sessions


Special group/bookstore pricing

Groups of 20 or more can be set up with their own online access area. Group use includes a complimentary Projection License for faculty/instructor use. For costs and order information, click here.

Pricing for using video clips for online teaching

Projection license holders - if you teach your own online course and want your students to have online access to some of the videos in the Science of Early Child Development resource you can arrange to purchase hyperlinks for selected video clips. Up to 10 researcher videos or 5 child/program videos can be purchased for $350; additional clips are $30 per researcher video and $60 per child video.

Choose License


For registered users

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"The Science of Early Child Development platform and resources puts the world of early child development at the fingertips of teachers and teacher educators. The framework, video clips, interviews with researchers and emphasis on child health and positive outcomes makes the connection between research and practice easier to understand and apply in the classroom with young children."
Chip Donohue, PhD, Director of Distance Learning, Erikson Institute


"It’s a resource that I find that I will take with me everywhere. It’s not only just for early childhood educators – it’s for parents, it’s for community workers, it’s for everyone. The resource is user-friendly in that way, it really does allow any user to have access and I just love the fact that it’s online and it’s up to date and it can be accessed anywhere."
Shelly Mehta, Professor, Early Childhood Education, George Brown College, Toronto, Ontario
Red River College University of Toronto AKDN - Aga Khan Development Network