Early Childhood Education Action Congress June 23 2016
The 1st Early Childhood Education Action Congress was held in Paris, France, on June 6 and 7, 2016, hosted by OECD Paris. Science of Early Child Development was one of the Congress partner organizations and Janet Jamieson served on the steering committee.
The Congress goal was to build “support among key leaders in diverse countries to expand quality early education for all children, birth to 6”. The sessions considered: what the evidence says about the period of early human development, how to scale up successful programs, why it is important to encourage new advocates and champions from outside of early years fields, how to encourage partnerships to support broad–based initiatives, how to communicate complex information to a variety of audiences, and how to move the early childhood agenda forward.
Janet Jamieson of Red River College and Sheila Manji of the Aga Khan Foundation presented the Science of ECD in as part of a session on messaging. The Honourable Margaret McCain presented information on Canadian early childhood policy and practice. To see her presentation click here. Kerry McCuaig, a Fellow in Early Childhood Policy at the Atkinson Centre, OISE/University of Toronto, wrote a synopsis of the 1st Early Childhood Education Action Congress. Click here to read the synopsis and learn about Congress key messages.