Advisory Committee

The Science of Early Child Development team is grateful to Dr. Fraser Mustard (1927 – 2012) for his outstanding guidance, inspiration and support as well as intellectual oversight from the project’s inception to the end of his life. We would also like to acknowledge the generous contribution of Dr. Clyde Hertzman (1953 - 2013) as a member of the Advisory Committee and for his time and expertise in several interviews for the resource.  

Carl Corter - Professor, Dr. Eric Jackman Institute of Child Study, OISE, University of Toronto

Chip Donohue - Director of Distance Education, Erikson Institute, Chicago, IL

Mark Elliott – Chief Executive Officer, Community Development Institute, World Forum Foundation, Washington, DC 

Emily Horton – Executive Director, Provincial Office for the Early Years, British Columbia, Victoria, BC

Janet Jamieson – Consultant, Early Childhood Development, Squamish, BC 

Joan Lombardi - Senior Advisor, Bernard van Leer Foundation

Marcel Lauzière – President and CEO, Lawson Foundation, Toronto, ON

Joel Levine – Canada Research Chair: Mechanisms and Features of Social Behaviour, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON 

Sheila Manji – Senior Programme Officer, Education, Aga Khan Foundation, Geneva, Switzerland 

Honourable Margaret Norrie McCain - Chair, Margaret and Wallace McCain Family Foundation, Toronto, ON

Patricia Chorney Rubin - Director, Early Childhood Education, George Brown College, Toronto, ON 

Janette Pelletier - Associate Professor, Department of Human Development and Applied Psychology, Institute of Child Study, OISE University of Toronto, Toronto, ON

Marla Sokolowski - University Professor, Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology and Academic Director of the Fraser Mustard Institute for Human Development. University of Toronto, Toronto, ON 

Michelle Stephen-Wiens – Acting Director, Early Learning and Child Care Program, Department of Families, Government of Manitoba, Winnipeg, MB 

Isabelle Vinet – General Coordinator, Centre of Excellence for Early Childhood Development, Montreal, QU

Robin Williams – Past-President, Canadian Pediatric Society, London, Ontario

Mary Young - Director, Center for Child Development, China Development Research Foundation



Red River College University of Toronto AKDN - Aga Khan Development Network